Hello, my name is Roger Barrero, in progress to be full-stack developer jr.
Now a days I live in Barcelona, Spain. I'm years old and I'm a student of
Application web development at the high school La Salle.
I start to learn about the web development in 2019, at second of the intermediate cycle of the high
school in the subject of "Aplicacions web" wehere I learned to use diferent technologies and content
managers like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress and Moodle.
Right now, I'm improving my skills in the web development, I'm learning about the back-end with PHP,
MySQL and Laravel, the front-end with React and Node.js, apart of that I'm learning about the UX/UI
I'm looking for a job as a junior developer, I'm looking for a job where I can learn and improve my
If you want more information about me, you can acces to my Linkedin or my personal web portfolo
If you want to contact me, you can send me an email to roger.barrero.sorribas@gmail.com or you can
send me a message in my Linkedin